Shiva Rose
Los Angeles USA
Photography by Nitsa Citrine
Featuring Shiva Rose
Los Angeles USA
Photography by Nitsa Citrine
Featuring Shiva Rose
describe what you do -
Mama, alchemist for Shiva Rose Beauty Line, curator of The Local Rose, Beekeeper, Custodian of mama earth, Aquarian activist, writer.
your thoughts on ritual -
Ritual brings us back and connects us to who we are on a soul level. We practiced rituals all through the ages and it reminds us that there are things larger than us like the cosmos. Rituals can ground us, bring structure to our lives, heal us, connect us to the source of all things.
a health & beauty routine -
My whole life is a health/beauty routine! I had many health issues and once I made a point of living in harmony with the elements, and making my health a priority things shifted. Beauty practices are a way to connect to our higher self and bring some love to the wounded parts of ourselves.
a gift from motherhood -
I became a mother at 25 so I cant remember any other way. For me motherhood gave me the structure I needed to thrive. It also opened my heart to the world in a way that wants just about myself. It also adds to the motivation to bring healing here.
do you have a spiritual practice?
I have a few spiritual practices and I feel anyone can find one just by sitting in quiet preferably in a space close to the natural world. I practice Chado Tea (living tea), I practice Kundalini, I practice a form of Japanese Buddhism, walking and being still in nature.
some of your favourites:
a book -
The Unbearable Lightness of Being, Women Who Run with Wolves
an artist -
Georgia O’Keefe, Frida Khalo, Picasso, Mother Earth
a plant -
So many but a few would be Roses, Nettles, Yarrow, Oaks, Redwoods
a podcast -
I am so into Rewilding podcasts right now, obsessed with the idea of paleo living from a philosophical viewpoint
a song -
Again so many, music is a necessity. Mantras by White Sun, Led Zeppelin, Van Morrison, The Blues
“The first few pieces I acquired from Milena were an indigo hand block silk dress and a pastel silk dress with celestial colors. These are to this day my favorite pieces because they are made with intention to bring beauty and balance to our planet.”
The Local Rose.
Shiva Rose Beauty.